Who We Help
Home / Who we helpThe healthcare market is becoming more and more competitive and is experiencing rapid and fundamental change. All of this puts additional pressure on your private income and means you have to work harder and harder to prosper.
Whether you are practicing alone or in a consultant group, we work in partnership with you. We allow you to focus on what you do best, safe in the knowledge that the essential administrative functions of your practice are under control and being run for the benefit of your patients.
To find out more
click on the appropriate section below or call us now on 0845 556 1232
Sole Practitioners

Sole Practitioners
You look after your patients and we’ll look after your business
Despite the growth in a variety of group practices, as sole practitioners you still represent over 50% of the consultant private practice market. Most of you have seen and will continue to see fairly stable income patterns over the next few years. However you are no doubt working harder to maintain your lifestyle and seeing changes in the way patient referrals come to you.
Marketing yourselves to both patients and referrers and spending time getting your business strategy right are therefore essential activities to undertake in today’s marketplace.
But this all takes time. Time you are probably struggling to find and time you would ideally like to spend caring more for your patients.
Using PHF to manage your practice is one way you can free up some time without compromising your patient’s care.
By outsourcing the management of your practice to us, you no longer have to worry or preoccupy yourself with staff management; coping with staff absence for holidays or sickness; training new recruits; looking for notes and files; perhaps preparing your own invoices and chasing payments; creating clinic letters; choosing and running software and telephone lines. The list could go on!
Consultant Groups
Security and prosperity in numbers.
More and more of you are seeing the benefit of getting together with colleagues to form groups. This is not surprising considering the growing opportunities open to groups and the real threats prevalent in the marketplace to those not embracing this trend.
Most of you will prosper in a group environment. Statistics show that groups can expect to grow their income by up to 15% per year. However some of you will fail.
There are three main reasons groups fail – arguments over income distribution, personality clashes and increasingly, administrative inefficiencies, especially billing and debt.
It is all well and good chasing exciting opportunities but at the same time, you need to ensure that all the group’s back office functions are working well. The problem is that you don’t have the time as individuals or as a group to supervise and manage all aspects of the group’s administration. This can be very damaging.
We partner with groups and take away the administrative burden and the responsibility for making sure it functions properly. In most cases we also do this for less cost!
This gives you the peace of mind, the confidence AND the time to go and negotiate with PCTs, lobby private hospitals and discuss contracts with insurers, whilst at the same time caring for your growing patient base.
Contact us to discuss your own situation, ask advice or request further information or call us now on 0845 556 1232