Ms Susana Morley MA BM BCh FRCOphth MD
Consultant Ophthalmologist, Oculoplastic and Peri-orbital Reconstructive Surgeon
- Eyelid malposition - ptosis, ectropion, entropion, eyelid retraction, aberrant eyelashes
- Periocular tumour management - including excision and reconstruction
- Aesthetic eyelid surgery - blepharoplasty and brow lift
- Upper eyelid loading
- Syringe and probe
- Punctoplasty and canaliculotomy
- Lacrimal intubation
- Dacryocystorhinostomy
- Lester-Jones tube insertion
- Thyroid eye disease management
- Orbital tumour management including biopsy
- Management of lacrimal gland pathology
- Evisceration, enucleation and exenteration
- Orbital decompression
- Periocular fillers and botox.
- Management of facial dystonias
- Botox
- Orbicularis stripping
Qualifications and Experience
- MA (Cantab)
- BM BCh (Oxon)
- FRCOphth
- MD
Further information
Patient Information
How to make an appointment: simply call us on 0207 183 5513 to make an appointment, The first time you call us we will register you as a patient - you will need your referral letter from your GP, details of your insurance (if applicable) and any existing information (e.g. scans, x-rays) relating to your condition.
How to make a payment:
- By cheque: make cheques payable to "PHF Services Limited" and send them to Accounts Payable, PHF Services Limited, Castle Cavendish Works, Dorking Road, Nottingham NG7 5PN.
- By credit or debit card: call us on 0207 183 5513 to make a secure payment over the phone by debit or credit card (please note that additional service charges may apply).
- By BACS transfer from your bank: please make payments to sort-code 09-06-66 account number 41190328, and please inform us by phone on 0207 183 5513.