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  System aims to free up consultant' time

16th August 2004, Nottingham Evening Post

A New business has been launched in Nottingham which claims it can help hospital consultants spend more time with patients by cutting out paper-chasing.

Personal Health Finance is the brainchild of former Capital One employees Tom Acworth and Marc Rickard, and has been launched with the help of New Deal for Communities.

Based at the Castle Cavendish Works in Radford, the business offers diary and appointment management, note transcription services, and financial administration that includes raising invoices and debt chasing.

Mr Rickard said: "Consultants often hold surgeries in their own private rooms and have clinics in both NHS and private hospitals.

"Their diaries are complex and prone to changes. Each patient generates quite a lot of admin - appointments need to be booked, notes need to be written up and invoices sent.

"We found many consultants admitted that admin was their biggest headache - they would much rather spend more time treating their patients instead."

New Deal for Communities Business Services has provided start-up grants that have helped PHF buy computer equipment and office furniture and cover legal advice.

Mr Acworth added: "Castle Cavendish Works is an ideal location. Nottingham is geographically ideal and, within the city, Radford is handy for the main hospitals. The building is new, smart and secure."

NDC business support manager Pam Jardine added: "Spotting a niche and shaping the right package to capture the market is a real entrepreneurial characteristic. We feel sure that PHF will soon grow out and create new local jobs."


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